
Your Sanctuary

Your home is a sanctuary, oasis or retreat from the competing demands of everything else. We experience many kinds of stress during the day, some of them are stimulating and some just fray our nerves (like being left on hold forever). If it’s too much trouble to tidy up, or there are no places to put things away, it might not be that relaxing to hang out at home. Janet can help you describe and realize the home or home office environment that will be most productive for you.

The houses we love most are the tidy ones. There might be a lot going in a house such as lots of kids and their friends or a collector of art or books might live there. The houses we love most have some clear surfaces that allow the eye to rest and the imagination to play there. Check out past projects here.

Janet will help you visualize what you want, set that goal and work toward it. You might be happy with a makeover and quarterly tune-ups, or want to build the habits and techniques for yourself. We can help you make sure your home is a sanctuary and make it easier to keep it that way.